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An angled closeup of shut blinds on a window

The Best Ways To Keep Your Home Cool This Summer

May 31, 2023 info No Comments

The season of summer is quickly approaching, which means that all of your favorite seasonal traditions aren’t that far behind! Events like fireworks displays, barbecues and days at the beach are just over the horizon. However, there are some drawbacks to the season, especially for those residents of California; it gets incredibly hot during the summer! In order to make the most of your summer season and enjoy the time comfortably, you’ll need to find a reliable way to keep your home cool this summer. We go over some of the most reliable ways to do so below!

Installing an HVAC Unit

Some homes have different systems to help regulate their temperature throughout the different seasons. An HVAC unit can do them all under one roof! There’s a big reason why the acronym stands for “heating, ventilation and air conditioning”. An HVAC unit is a foolproof investment regardless of what time of year you install it. There is minimal maintenance involved besides the occasional filter change, and these units have proven their effectiveness in spades when it comes to keeping your home cool. If you want to find a way to stay comfortable consistently, an HVAC unit will do the trick nicely!

Keep Your Blinds Down During The Day

The amount of sunlight that enters your home on a regular basis controls its temperature more than you’d realize! Let’s say that it’s a nice, 100-degree day with no clouds in the sky. The hot sun will beat consistently past your window panes, making the surfaces in your home significantly hotter than they would be otherwise. The best way to prevent your home from overheating is to block this out. Keeping your blinds down during the daytime can significantly decrease the temperature, making the inside of a home feel much more appealing than the outside.

Keep Your Stove Off

If you want your home to be cool to the max this summer, the best way to do so is to leave the grilling to an outdoor setting. Your stove can significantly increase your home’s temperature throughout the summer, making an unbearable indoor temperature much worse than it could be. It may lead to you getting more fast food this summer, but it’s a surefire way to keep your home cool without putting a massive strain on your wallet.

HVAC Installation & Repair With Vets For You

If you want to ensure that your home stays cool this summer, an HVAC unit is foolproof. However, you shouldn’t work with just anybody! Many handyman contractors have a bad reputation for being rude, unfriendly and uncaring. Vets For You flips these ugly norms on their head with fast, reliable, and friendly HVAC installation services that maximize your home’s energy performance! For an HVAC unit that keeps your home comfortable all year long, click here to contact us directly!

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